
Date and Time Functions



Alpha Anywhere provides the following Date and Time functions.


  • C = character

  • D = Date value (Date variable)

  • CD = Formatted date (Character variable)

  • CT = Formatted date time (Character variable)

  • CY = Formatted time (Character variable)

  • L = Logical value (Logical variable)

  • N = Numeric value (Numeric variable)

  • P = Pointer with dot variables

  • T = Date time value (Time variable)

  • Y = Time value (Short time variable)




    • Output: C

    • Displays a calendar and returns a formatted date string.


    • Output: C

    • Displays a Windows style dialog and returns formatted date string.


    • Output: C

    • Displays an HTML formatted dialog and returns a formatted date string.


  • DATE()

    • Output: D

    • Returns today's Date.

  • Date_FirstDayOfMonth()

    • Output: D

    • Returns the first date of a month relative to a specified date (default value is today).

  • Date_FirstDayOfPreviousMonth()

    • Output: D

    • Returns the first date of the previous month relative to a specified date (default value is today).

  • Date_LastDayOfMonth()

    • Output: D

    • Returns the last date of a month relative to a specified date (default value is today).

  • Date_LastDayOfPreviousMonth()

    • Output: D

    • Returns the last date of a previous month relative to a specified date (default value is today).

  • GetTimeZoneOffset()

    • Output: N

    • Returns the difference between the computer's time zone and Greenwich Mean Time.

  • ISDATE()

    • Output: L

    • Returns .T. if the character string is a valid representation of a Date value.

  • IsShortTime()

    • Output: L

    • Returns .T. if the character string is a valid representation of a Short Time value.

  • ISTIME()

    • Output: L

    • Returns .T. if the character string is a valid representation of a Time value.

  • NOW()

    • Output: T

    • Returns the current date/time, correct to the millisecond, in the Time data type.


    • Output: D

    • Assigns a NULL value to a date.


    • Output: D

    • Displays a HTML calendar and returns a date.


    • Output: C

    • Calls the GetTimeZoneOffset() function and formats the result as a character string.

  • WIN_TIME()

    • Output: P

    • Returns information about the time settings of a computer.

Calculation Functions


    • Output: D

    • Adds a specified number of business days ( Add_Days ) to a Starting_Date and returns an Ending_Date.


    • Output: D

    • Returns an Ending_Date equal to the specified Starting_Date plus the specified Number_Of_Months.


    • Output: D

    • Returns an Ending_Date equal to the specified Date plus the specified Number_Of_Year s.

  • AGE()

    • Output: N

    • Computes the number of years since a Starting_Date and returns an integer.


    • Output: N

    • Computes the number of business days between two dates.

  • Date_FirstDayOfMonth()

    • Output: N

    • Given a date, returns the first day of its month.

  • Date_FirstDayOfPreviousMonth()

    • Output: N

    • Given a date, returns the first day of its previous month.


    • Output: L

    • Determines if a Date value is in a specified Month.

  • Date_LastDayOfMonth()

    • Output: N

    • Given a date, returns the last day of its month.

  • Date_LastDayOfPreviousMonth()

    • Output: N

    • Given a date, returns the last day of its previous month.


    • Output: D

    • Increments the date by one.


    • Output: D

    • Returns the date of the last day of the month in which date occurs.


    • Output: D

    • Returns the date of the first day of the month in which date occurs.

  • NTH_DOW()

    • Output: CD

    • Returns the date for the Nth occurrence of the specified day of the week starting in the specified month and year.

Conversion Functions


    • Output: T

    • Converts a date string formatted by A5_ANSIDATE(), A5_RFC1123DATE(), A5_RFC822DATE(), or A5_RFC850DATE() into a time-date value.

  • CDATE()

    • Output: D

    • Converts a Date to a Formatted_Date character string in the form "YYYYMMDD".

  • CDOW()

    • Output: C

    • Returns a character string containing the name of the day of the week for the specified Date.

  • CMONTH()

    • Output: C

    • Returns the Month_Name in the specified Date.


    • Output: T

    • Converts variables from one type to another, preserving the data if possible.

  • CShortTime()

    • Output: C

    • Converts a short time value to a sortable character equivalent.

  • CTIME()

    • Output: C

    • Converts a time value to a sortable character equivalent.

  • CTOD()

    • Output: D

    • Converts a character string containing date information to a Date value.

  • CTODT()

    • Output: T

    • Converts a date and time string to a date time value.

  • CTOT()

    • Output: Y

    • Converts a time string to a short time value.

  • CYEAR()

    • Output: C

    • Returns a character string containing the year in the form "YYYY" based on the specified Date_Value.


    • Output: CT

    • Returns any portion of a Date_Time as a formatted string.


    • Output: D

    • Returns Date_Value for the specified year, month and day.

  • DAY()

    • Output: N

    • Returns an integer corresponding to the day of the month for a given Date or Date_Time.


    • Output: N

    • Returns the number of a given day name.

  • DOW()

    • Output: N

    • Returns an integer indicating the day of the week for the Date_Value.

  • DOW_ISO()

    • Output: N

    • Returns the ISO day of the week.

  • JDATE()

    • Output: N

    • Converts Date_Value to a Julian date, which is an integer value measured in days from a special starting date.


    • Output: D

    • Converts a Julian date (which is an integer value measured in days) to an Alpha Anywhere Date value.

  • MONTH()

    • Output: N

    • Returns an integer equal to the month number (1-12) of the specified Date or Date_Time.


    • Output: N

    • Returns the month number (1 to 12) for a given month name.

  • ODBC_DT_TO_D()

    • Output: D

    • Converts a character Date_Time_String of format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" to a date value.


    • Output: T

    • Returns a Date_Time_Value in a Time variable by parsing the character date time value specified by Formatted_Date_Time according to the format specified by Format_String.

  • ShortTime_Extract()

    • Output: Y

    • Extracts the hours, minutes, or seconds value from a Short_Time.

  • STOD()

    • Output: D

    • Converts a character representation of a date in the format "YYYYMMDD" into a date.

  • TIME_VAR()

    • Output: T

    • Creates a "time" variable from year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values.


    • Output: N

    • Converts a Formatted_Time_String containing a time value to an integer Count equal to the number of seconds past midnight.

  • WEEK()

    • Output: N

    • Returns the number of the week in the year for a date value.

  • WEEK_ISO()

    • Output: N

    • Returns the ISO week number.


    • Output: C

    • Returns the fully qualified ISO week number.


    • Output: T

    • Converts a CIM date time string as used by WMI to an Alpha Anywhere Date Time value in the local time zone.

  • YEAR()

    • Output: N

    • Returns a four digit integer equal to the year portion of the specified Date or Date_Time.

  • YearStart_ISO()

    • Output: D

    • Returns the first day of the ISO year for a given year.

Formatting Functions

  • Predefined Date Formats

    • Predefined date formats for use with functions such as DTOC().

  • Date and Time Format Elements

    • Rules for coding date and time formats.


    • Output: CD

    • Reformats a date string.


    • Output: CT

    • Reformats a date time string.

  • A5_RFC81123DATE()

    • Output: CT

    • Takes a date, either as a time or character, and converts it to a string, following the RFC 1123 format.

  • A5_RFC81123DATE()

    • Output: CT

    • Takes a date, either as a time or character, and converts it to a string, following the RFC 1123 format.

  • A5_RFC822DATE()

    • Output: CT

    • Takes a date, either as a time or character, and converts it to a string, following the RFC 822 format.

  • A5_RFC850DATE()

    • Output: CT

    • Takes a date, either as a time or character, and converts it to a string, following the RFC 850 format.


    • Output: CY

    • Returns Formatted_Short_Time containing the system time


    • Output: CD

    • Creates a formatted character string representation of the Date_Value.


    • Displays the Data Format dialog box and returns the number of the selected format.

  • DMY()

    • Output: CD

    • Returns a formatted character string in the DD Month YYYY format for the specified Date_Value.

  • DTOC()

    • Output: CD

    • DTOC()returns a formatted character string for the specified Date or Date_Time value.

  • DTOS()

    • Output: CD

    • Converts a Date_Value to a Formatted_Date character string in the form "YYYYMMDD."


    • Output: CD

    • Converts a Date_Value to a Formatted_Date character string. Refer to Display Formats.

  • FixDateString()

    • Output: CD

    • Reformats a Formatted_Date character string for web applications.

  • GMT()

    • Output: CY

    • Returns Greenwich Mean Time as a Formatted_Short_Time.

  • MDY()

    • Output: CD

    • Returns a Formatted_Date in the Month DD, YYYY format for the specified Date_Value.

  • SQL_DATE()

    • Output: CY

    • Formats a date value to "{YYYY-MM-DD}".

  • TIME()

    • Output: CT

    • Returns a character string containing a Formatted_Date_Time. If the Date_Time_Value parameter is not specified, the current system time is formatted.

  • TOTIME()

    • Output: CY

    • Returns a Formatted_Short_Time based on the specified Number_Of_Seconds past midnight.

See Also